

10th to 18th August 2024



We are delighted to present the fourth edition our ancient music academy. This academy will allow young musicians and singers to deepen and develop their knowledge and practice of historical interpretation. They will be guided by artists renowned for their individual approach, whether in terms of their teaching or their performance style. This approach, the very essence of Les Epopées, is at the heart of the Academy's teaching.


Admission, subject to acceptance by the professors:

- Singers: on CV and recording

- Instrumentalists: on CV


End of applications:

June 30, 2024


Registration link

The teaching team

Singing and interpretation class

Claire Lefilliâtre and Stéphane Fuget


Baroque violin class

Odile Édouard


Cello and viola class

Christophe Coin


Organ and chamber music class

Nicolas Bucher


Vocal coach class

Stéphane Fuget


Initiation to baroque dance

Gudrun Skamletz

Stéphane Fuget

Stéphane Fuget is a harpsichordist, organist, pianist and conductor. He started his career as a vocal coach alongside C. Rousset, J-C Spinosi and M. Minkowski on major international stages: Staatsoper and Theater an der Wien (Vienna), DNO (Amsterdam), Liceu (Barcelona), La Monnaie (Brusells), Opéra de Paris, Châtelet and Théâtre des Champs Elysées (Paris), Strasbourg, Toulouse and Bordeaux operas. He teaches a vocal voaching class and a baroque opera class at the CRR in Paris, the only of their kind in France. At the conservatoire he has put on many operas, by Monteverdi, Handel, Cavalli, Cesti, Lully, Rossi, Peri, Marais and Grétry. In 2018 he created Les Epopées, a lyrique company, advocating a decidedly new manner of interpretation.

Claire Lefilliâtre

Claire Lefilliâtre is recognised as one of the most gifted specialist interpretators of French and Italian XVIIth century music. She has collaborated with several ensembles including Le Poème Harmonique, The Holland Baroque Society, La Tempête and Les Epopées, with whom she has performed internationally (Opéra-Comique, Opéra d’Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, but also Brusells, Beijing, Delhi). Equally interested by one-off projects, Claire has collaborated with Oxalys Ensemble (Mahler, Canteloube, Berio, Jongen, etc.), Benjamin Lazare, Emily Loizeau, the circus troupe CIRCA and Aurélien Baury. A passionate teacher, she has given many master classes in France and abroad.

Odile Édouard 

A violin professor at the Lyon CNSM since 1996, Odile Edouard is an important figure in the second generation of musicians dedicated to period instrument interpretation. She most often performs chamber music, as well as solo recitals. Following her inquisitive nature, she and Alain Gervreau founded the ensemble Les Sonadori, based on their research into the birth of the violin family. In addition, she has played for over 20 years with Les Witches ensemble, with whom she explores themes of theatricality and improvisation. She frequently performs with Freddy Eichelberger, as well as Philippe Despont and Alain Gervreau in their ensemble Les Conversations. She has appeared at most significant European festivals. She has featured in over 30 recordings.

Nicolas Bucher

Nicolas Bucher trained at the CRR de Lille, the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles and the CNSM de Lyon, mainly with Jean Boyer. In 2000, he won second prize at the Musashino - Tokyo competition. Organist in Lens, Marcq-en-Baroeul and Lyon, Nicolas Bucher succeeded Michel Chapuis as organist at Saint-Séverin in Paris from 2002 to 2013. He was titular organist at the Basilique de Vézelay until 2018. He has just been appointed to the prestigious tribune of Saint-Gervais in Paris. After teaching his instrument for several years, he went on to direct several types of establishment (CRD d'Arras, Études musicales au CNSM de Lyon, Cité de la Voix de Vézelay). Since 2018, he has directed the Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. Organist, continuo player and conductor, he devotes himself to organ music, vocal music of the 17th and 18th centuries, opera and contemporary music.

Gudrun Skamletz

After studying in Germany and France, Gudrun Skamletz embarked on her journey as a dancer, both in contemporary dance and renaissance and baroque dance (Bayle, Massin, Roussat/Lubek, Hazebroucq). Since 2008, Gudrun Skamletz has choreographed many productions, including Cadmus et Hermione (Lully) at Opera Comique in Paris, Pygmalion (Rameau) in Trondheim and Des Facheaux (Molière). She has collaborated with conductors (Gardiner, Christie, Minkowski, Rousset, Dumestre, Malgoire etc.), directors (Lazar, Moaty, Monory), composers and fine artists. Gudrun Skamletz is also dedicated to the transmission of dance through regular lessons, courses and workshops for people of all ages. She has developed her own choreographic art at La Cie and Les Grands Ecarts since 2018.

Entry requirements

Vocal coaching class - Stéphane Fuget

Open to harpsichordists, pianists and theorbists wishing to develop their skills in working with singers on baroque repertoire.


Singing and interpretation class - Claire Lefilliâtre et Stéphane Fuget

Open to all singers, students, pre-professionals and professionals wishing to develop their skills in baroque interpretation. 17th and 18th century vocal repertoire.


Baroque violin class - Odile Édouard

Open to baroque or modern violinists, amateurs, professionals, or students (minimum post-graduate level). In harmony with the aesthetics of the organs we will be working with, two principal repertoires will be explored: Italian music from the late 16th and early 17th centuries: diminished songs, sonatas, canzonas, motets and madrigals... French music from the first half of the 18th century: sonatas and cantatas or religious pieces with voice.


Cello and viola class - Christophe Coin

Open to baroque or modern cellist and violist, amateurs, professionals, or students (minimum post-graduate level). In harmony with the aesthetics of the organs we will be working with, two principal repertoires will be explored: Italian music from the late 16th and early 17th centuries: diminished songs, sonatas, canzonas, motets and madrigals... French music from the first half of the 18th century: sonatas and cantatas or religious pieces with voice.


Organ class - Nicolas Bucher

Open to amateur organists, professionals or students (undergraduate minimum level), but also to harpsichordists and pianist wishing to start the organ. Due to the instruments available, the repertoire studied will be from the Renaissance to c. 1800. In particular, European music from the beginning of the 17th century, and French 17th and 18th century music. Work will be centred around interpretation and registration. During the chamber music classes, accompaniment (written or figured bass) will also be covered.


Baroque dance

Gudrun Skamletz will lead initiation to baroque dance workshops, as well as the Baroque Ball which will end the course. No previous experience required. Open to all.


The days will be organised around individual and group lessons, chamber music classes and baroque dance initiation workshops. The week will close with student concerts. 


For instrumentalists

Daily group lesson to work on posture, historical techniques, improvisation, division....

Individual lessons

Chamber music class

Baroque dance workshop

Bow bass lessons with Christophe Coin will take place from August 10 to 13 only. However, students are welcome to stay until the end of the course for the final concert and chamber music lessons. 


For singers

Individual lessons alternating between Claire Lefilliâtre and Stéphane Fuget

Chamber music class

Baroque dance workshop

The Place


The Fontenottes Medical Education Centre, at the heart of Saint-Julien-du-Sault, provides an exceptional location for in depth learning. All lessons, lodging and meals take place within the grounds.


Access to Les Fontenottes

L’IME Les Fontenottes, 5 Rue du Four. 89330 - Saint-Julien-du-Sault

- By car : from Paris on the A6, the D660 then the D149 (1h50).

- By public transport : from Paris Bercy station, direct TER to Saint-Julien-du-Sault (1h20).

Saint-Julien-du-Sault town is situated at the heart of an extraordinary instrumental patrimony, with historical organs in Saint-Julien-du-Sault, Villeneuve-sur-Yonne and Sens.


Tuition fees

450 euros (400 euros for the viola and cello class)


Accomodation and meal cost

250 euros.

Rooms within the IME des Fontenottes, Saint-Julien-du-Sault 

Full board meals provided.


Administration fee for registration: 20 euros


The festival concerts are open free of charge to academy students. Bus trips to concert venues are paid for by the Academy.


To register